Complaints Procedure
We hope that in the first instance any concerns you have can be dealt with informally with the member of staff concerned, or with a member of our Senior Management Team. If you are unable to resolve the complaint or are unhappy with the response you receive, the process for making a formal complaint is outlined below.
The Complaints Procedure is open to anyone who is dissatisfied with the actions of the Foundation. Please note, the decisions our independent panel makes on grant awards are final and there isn’t a process of appeal. However, you can raise a concern, or complain, if you think we have not properly followed our grant process in making our decisions.
How to make a complaint
Formal complaints should be put in writing and addressed to: Fiona Oliver and Vicky Hickey, Joint Chief Executives, Wiltshire Community Foundation, Sandcliff House, 21 Northgate Street, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1JT or by email
To help us deal effectively with your complaint please state in your correspondence:
- what the complaint is about
- the member(s) of staff or any other people involved
- when the issue occurred and whether it is still happening
- whether you have spoken to anyone at Wiltshire Community Foundation informally about your concerns before making a complaint and what actions have been taken, if any
- attach any relevant paperwork, i.e. copies of letters, etc.
We cannot respond to anonymous complaints. We will maintain your right to confidentiality, so please include your name and contact details.
The correspondence will be acknowledged by our Joint Chief Executives, normally within five working days of receipt. You will be advised of who is dealing with your complaint and when you should expect a fuller response.
The person responsible will investigate the complaint and may contact you for more supporting information or evidence.
We will usually respond within 28 working days of receiving the letter of complaint. We will inform you of any action taken or recommendations for further action. If it is not possible to provide a full response within this time, we will tell you and give an interim response.
In exceptional circumstances, if you are not satisfied with the response, you may write to Angus Macpherson, Chair of the Board of Trustees (the Chair), at the address detailed above to make an appeal. If your complaint involves either or both Joint Chief Executives, you should write to the Chair in the first instance. Please mark the correspondence as “Private and Confidential”.
The Chair will acknowledge receipt of your letter within 10 working days.
In the case of an appeal to the Chair for a review of the response from the Joint Chief Executive(s), or where the complaint involves either both or one of the Joint Chief Executives, an investigation will be carried out by the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board and two other Trustees.
The Chair will aim to notify you of their decision, which is final, and the reasons for it within 28 working days of receiving your letter.
Wiltshire Community Foundation trustees, staff and volunteers may also raise concerns under the Foundation’s separate Whistle Blowing Policy.
If you are not satisfied with the decision, we are regulated by the Charity Commission for England and Wales and further information about how you can complain can be found here, including any complaints about fundraising that can be reported to the Fundraising Regulator (FR).
As a member of the FR, Wiltshire Community Foundation agrees to adhere to the highest standards of good practice with our fundraising and a Fundraising Promise.
You can read the Fundraising Promise here. You are entitled to take your complaint directly to the FR.
Our Whistleblowing policy is available to our staff in our Staff Handbook.